Mapping Edges at Livable Cities Conference
In June, we travelled to New York to present at the Livable Cities Conference, covering architecture, design, city planning, health, technology, urban economics and social policy. We presented our paper ‘Civic Ecologies in Green Square: Beyond urban renewal, towards caring for Country’ on a panel about Sustainability and Society.

Bell frogs, dugong bones and giant cauliflowers: water stories come to life at Green Square
Sheas Creek runs into Alexandra Canal. Photo: Ilaria Vanni, Author provided Ilaria Vanni, University of Technology Sydney; Alexandra Crosby, University of Technology Sydney, and Shannon Foster, University of Technology Sydney Did you know the Sydney suburb Rosebery was home to the now-endangered green and golden bell frogs? That enormous cauliflowers were nourished by fresh water […]

Water Stories: Exhibition, Walkshop and Rizzeria Workshop
107 Projects, Green Square, Joynton Avenue Creative Centre, Zetland. Join us at 107 to launch Water Stories, an exhibition of the archives as estuaries of Green Square. Joynton Avenue Creative Centre 3a Joynton Avenue Zetland, NSW 2017 Wed., 16 November 2022, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm AEDT You can register here or just turn up Walkshop: 19 November […]

Launching the Water Stories website
Did you know there is habitat for endangered frogs in Rosebery? Did you know there was once a violent cauliflower gang roaming the streets of Waterloo? Did you know dugong bones were found during excavation for the Alexandra Canal? These little-told histories are surfacing this week with the launch of Water Stories, a collaborative research […]

‘May you always taste the sweetest fruit’
Ilaria Vanni Shannon Foster, University of Technology Sydney; Alexandra Crosby, University of Technology Sydney, and Ilaria Vanni, University of Technology Sydney Sydney’s Green Square is one of Australia’s biggest urban renewal projects. But it’s much more than a construction site. First Nations people know it by another name: nadunga gurad, or sand dune Country. For […]

Action on SDG 11
The University of Technology Sydney, where Mapping Edges Research studio is located, was one of the first Australian universities to become a Signatory to the University Commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2016. Supporting action on the SDGs at a large university involves getting down to the details of research projects like […]