The Plantiness of Bankstown
The Story

The Plantiness of Bankstown (2020)
Why do plants matter? How do they help mitigate critical issues like the climate breakdown, biodiversity loss and pollution?
While the exhibition mode of this project is complete, we invite you to experience Mapping Edges in Bankstown through a self guided walk. Watch the a video invitation, download the map and be in touch with your feedback.
The Plantiness of Bankstown, a video invitation
Bankstown Arts Centre produced this short video of us introducing The Plantiness of Bankstown. The video is part of a YouTube...
Bankstown Zine
Mapping Edges Bankstown Zine and MapDownload This project welcomes you to walk noticing how plants shape the ways we look at, feel about, and imagine...
Following dragon fruits in Bankstown
Our research for the Bankstown Biennale began with a walk. We began by following our familiar allies, the dragon fruit plants, which we first met mapping...
Mapping Edges at the Bankstown Biennale
Our project welcomes you to walk noticing how plants shape the ways we look at, feel about, and imagine Bankstown. It consists of six invitations to envisage...
The Plantiness of Bankstown
For the Bankstown Biennale This project welcomes you to walk noticing how plants shape the ways we look at, feel about, and imagine Bankstown. It consists of...