This post is not exactly about reading books, although books are present, but about reading an installation and a major art event through the lens of permaculture. The photo above is from the project Unpacking My Library at the 57th Venice Biennale. Inspired by Walter Benjiamin’s 1931 essay, this project allowed all participating artists (including dead […]
I don’t often get boating invitations. This week, when Clare Britton asked my to climb aboard the newly renovated ‘Sally’ at the Tempe Pier, I didn’t hesitate. As part of her research project A Week on the Cooks River, Clare is spending time observing, describing, rowing the Cooks. AC: So can you tell me what […]
We have just finished up an online residency at WalkingLab, as part of the project Performing Lines: Innovations in walking and sensory research methodologies. This project is lead by Dr. Stephanie Springgay to study and advance the theory and practice of walking methodologies, exploring and developing innovative interdisciplinary practices. MappingEdges has been ‘Walking with Seeds’ […]