Rosebery Honey is a home honey business run by Rosebery residents Fiona and Michael. It’s a small operation – the couple have beehives in their backyard and sell their honey from a stand out the front of their house. The business was born when a swarm of bees took up residence in their possum box, […]
Garnet, Tony and Mary are part of Green Square Growers (GSG), a community gardening group that cultivates beds at Joynton Avenue and Tote Park. According to Tony, Green Square is home to a very mixed demographic that includes busy full-time workers and their unemployed or retired counterparts, which means residents have varying amounts of time […]
Jennifer is the Culture and Pathways Manager at 107 Green Square, which is located at Joynton Avenue Creative Centre. She describes Green Square as an evolving and transitional place. ‘Green Square is really forming its community and the connections between what is here, what is happening and what is to come,’ she says. When Jennifer […]
Launching a walking map of Green Square. The map signposts civic ecologies so that residents can use it when they walk around their 5kms radius.
As I cycle down Joynton Avenue from Bourke Street, I spot some freshly painted green cycle lanes – the nicest I have seen in Sydney. Concrete and cranes fill the skyline. There are not many people around, a few couples and families walking to and from the newly opened Gunyama Park Aquatic Centre with wet […]
We are always thrilled when our work has influence and impact. The very talented Bettina Kaiser adapted the Mapping Edges mapping methodology for a Botanicals workshop at the Rizzeria in October 2020. As part of the program at Joynton Avenue Creative Centre the Rizzeria runs creative workshops with the overarching theme of “environment”. During the […]
We planned The Civic Ecologies of Green Square during 2020, a year dominated by the digital, with very few face to face meetings and exchanges of artefacts. By the time we first met with Jennifer Noorbergen, Community Engagement and Venue Manager of our partner Joynton Avenue Creative Centre, we had already well and truly begun. […]
VERGES, GARDENS, EXCHANGES, SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES, COMMONS Join Mapping Edges on a walk through Green Square to observe civic environmental practices happening within the precinct. April 24, 2pm, meet at Joynton Avenue Creative Centre. Are you a resident of Green Square? or just interested in some of the changes in the area? Join us on a […]
We have begun taking regular walks in Green Square as part of the scoping stage of our project on Civic Ecologies. This is an outline of our first scoping walk. We are documenting civic ecologies as we observe them, and also using a shared map to mark points of interest.
learn about saving seeds in preparation for seed balling in Spring