Lecturer, School of Design
Course Director, Interdisciplinary Design, School of Design
BA (UTS) International Studies,
B. Design, PhD (International Studies)
E: Alexandra.Crosby@uts.edu.au
P: +61 2 9514 8016
ORCID: 0000-0001-8959-7971
In her current research she is looking at emerging design practices in Indonesia, where there is potential for improving Australia-Indonesia relations. In 2013 she completed her PhD investigating site-based creative community events in Indonesia.
Alexandra’s background is in visual communications and the ethnographic methods of International Studies. She develops and uses interdisciplinary research methods, such as hybrid forms of mapping and experimental futuring to understand the complexity of situations and communicate possible futures. These methods can benefit a range of industries. She has mapped urban food production and knowledge share networks as they appear in Australian and Indonesian cities.
In a recent project ‘Valuing Student Voices’, she developed a unique research method drawing from future studies, design thinking and human-centred design. This was used to inform Australian higher education institutions of students’ preferred learning futures.
Alexandra lectures in the subjects of interdisciplinary design, design thinking and history and leads global studios to Indonesia.
Alexandra is a Board member of Frontyard (http://frontyardprojects.org), the Indonesian Resources and Information Program (IRIP) (http://www.insideindonesia.org), and is on the Advisory Panel for the ACICIS Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum.
Can supervise: Yes
Media Studies
Davies, A. & Crosby, A.L. 2016, ‘Compressorhead: The Robot Band and its TransmediaStoryworld’ in Koh, M… (ed), Cultural Robotics, Springer, pp. 175-189.
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Crosby, A.L. & Morgan, A. 2016, ‘Levering Critical Collaboration: The First Year Interdisciplinary Design Experience’ in Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education, IGI, pp. 169-187.
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Crosby, A.L. 2015, ‘Relocating Kampung, Rethinking Community: Salatiga’s ‘Festival Mata Air” in Hatley, B. & Hough, B. (eds), Performing Contemporary Indonesia: Celebrating Identity, Constructing Community, BRILL, Leiden and Boston, pp. 67-82.
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Lorber-Kasunic, J. & Crosby, A. 2015, ‘Politics, the Political’ in Edwards, C. (ed), Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury, London.
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Lorber-Kasunic, J. & Crosby, A. 2015, ‘Sustainment’ in Edwards, C. (ed), Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury, London.
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Crosby, A.L. 2015, ”Propaganda’, in C. Edwards (ed), Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury Academic’, Bloomsbury, London.
Notley, T. & Crosby, A.L. 2014, ‘Transmedia Activism: Exploring the Possibilities in West Papua’ in Polson, D., Cook, A., Velikovsky, J.T. & Brackin, A. (eds), Transmedia Practice: A Collective Approach, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 77-88.
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Crosby, A.L. 2011, ‘A Chronicle of Video Activism and Online Distribution in Post-New Order Indonesia’ in Lovink, G. & Miles, R.S. (eds), Video Vortex Reader II: moving images beyond YouTube, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 178-193.
Kinniburgh, J.R., Crosby, A. & Hromek, M. 2016, ‘No Design Without Indigenous Design: Extending First Year Design and Architecture Students’ Understanding of Indigenous Australia’, STARS (Students Transition Achievement Retention and Success), Perth, Western Australia.
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Crosby, A., Hromek, M. & Kinniburgh, J. 2015, ‘Making space: working together for Indigenous design and architecture curricula’, Indigenous Content in Education, University of South Australia, Adelaide.
Crosby, A.L. 2015, ‘Collaborative Scenarios: Preferred Learning Futures for Design Education’, http://www.ateneonline.it/cumulusmilan/home.asp, The Virtuous Circle Design Culture and Experimentation, ateneonline, Milan.
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Crosby, A.L., Lorber-Kasunic, J. & Vanni Accarigi, I. 2014, ‘Mapping Hybrid Design Participation in Sydney’, Reflections on Creativity: Public engagement and the making of place, Reflections on creativity: Public engagement and the making of place, Arte Polis, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, pp. 123-131.
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Crosby, A.L. 2008, ‘Collaborative cultural practices of activist networks in contemporary Indonesia’, Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the ASAA, Melbourne, Australia: Is this the Asian century?, 17th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Asian Studies Association of Australia, Melbourne, pp. 1-11.
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Crosby, A.L. & McKenzie, J. 2016, ‘Listening to student voices through scenario design: Aligning learning.futures’, Sensoria: A Journal of Mind, Brain, and Culture, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 5-11.
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Crosby, A.L. 2016, ‘Desiging Futures in Indonesia’, PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, vol. 13, no. 2.
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Crosby, A.L. & Notley, T. 2014, ‘Using video and online subtitling to communicate across languages from West Papua’, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 138-154.
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Vanni Accarigi, I., Crosby, A. & Lorber-Kasunic, J. 2014, ‘Value the Edge: Permaculture as Counterculture in Australia’, M/C Journal, vol. 17, no. 6.
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Crosby, A.L. 2013, ‘Remixing environmentalism in Blora, Central Java 2005-10’, International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 257-269.
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Notley, T., Salazer, J.F. & Crosby, A.L. 2013, ‘Online video translation and subtitling: examining emerging practices and their implications for media activism in South East Asia’, Global Media Journal Australian Edition, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-15.
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Crosby, A.L. & Thajib, F. 2010, ‘Can Open Mean Terbuka? Negotiating Licenses for Indonesian Video Activism’, PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication, vol. 2010, no. December, pp. 94-105.
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Crosby, A.L. 2015, ‘Mark Gerada: Chop You Down’, Mark Gerada: Chop You Down, Mils Gallery, Sydney, pp. 1-2.
Crosby, A.L. 2013, ‘Map #5, Green Square’, Baadlands: an Atlas of Experimental Cartography, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney, pp. 81-81.
Crosby, A.L. 2011, ‘Growing Global Cultural Networks’, Taring Padi: Seni Membongkar Tirani, Lumbung Press, Yogyakarta, pp. 317-331.
Crosby, A.L. 2009, ‘Boy’, Trunk, Volume 1: Hair, Boccalatte Pty Ltd, Surry Hills, pp. 189-190.
Crosby, A.L. 2008, ‘Gang re:Publik, Indonesia-Australia creative adventures’, Gang Inc., Sydney, pp. 1-230.
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Crosby, A.L., ‘Permacultural Principles and Collaborative Design Interventions’, Permacultural Principles and Collaborative Design Interventions, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, DAB Lab.
Crosby, A.L., ‘Bush Pencils: yarra nhiki’, Interpretive Wonderings, Mapping Culpra Station, Mildura Arts Centre.
Crosby, A.L., ‘Indonesian Design Emerging’, Peacock Gallery, Cumberland Council.
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Buzwell, S., Bates, G., McKenzie, J., Alexander, S., Williams, J., Farrugia, M. & Crosby, A.L. Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching 2016, Valuing student voices when exploring, creating and planning for the future of Australian higher education, Australia.
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Crosby, A.L. APC and Hivos 2011, Documenting Torture: The Responsibility of Activists, pp. 140-143, South Africa.
Indonesian Design Emerging (AII-100)
Home Gardens of Haberfield – Inner West Councils – Stronger Communities Grants Program